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Woman looking at her face in a mirror

In a world that values appearance and youth, the decision to undergo cosmetic surgery is a deeply personal one. Whether you’re considering a subtle enhancement or a more significant transformation, the key to successful cosmetic surgery lies in understanding your own desires, concerns, and expectations.

At Flourish Surgical Arts, Dr. John Nesiba aims to help patients achieve their aesthetic goals through expert, understanding, and compassionate care.

Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you answer the crucial question: How do I know what cosmetic surgery I need?

Step 1: Self-reflection and Goal Setting

The first step in determining the right cosmetic surgery for you is self-reflection. Take some time to analyze what specific aspects of your appearance you’re dissatisfied with and why. Are you seeking facial rejuvenation, body contouring, or a complete makeover? Set clear, realistic goals for the outcome you hope to achieve. Understanding your motivations will help you articulate your expectations to your surgeon and ensure that the chosen procedure aligns with your vision.

Step 2: Schedule a Consultation with a Qualified Surgeon

Choosing the right surgeon is paramount. Schedule consultations with board-certified cosmetic surgeons, like Dr. Nesiba, who specialize in the procedure you’re considering. During these consultations, discuss your aesthetic goals, medical history, and any concerns you may have. A skilled surgeon will assess your candidacy for the surgery, explain the potential risks and benefits, and provide a realistic overview of what to expect.

Step 3: Consider Non-Surgical Options

Cosmetic surgery is not always the only solution. Non-surgical procedures, such as injectables, laser treatments, and dermal fillers, can often achieve remarkable results, in the appropriate situation. Be sure to consult with a surgeon as they truly understand the aging process and will be able to tell when non-surgical treatments are appropriate. Consider less invasive options, especially if you’re looking for subtle enhancements or want to test the waters before committing to a more significant procedure.

Step 4. Evaluate Your Budget

Cosmetic surgery comes with a financial cost, and it’s crucial to realistically evaluate your budget. Research the costs associated with the procedure(s) you’re interested in, including surgeon fees, facility fees, anesthesia costs, and post-operative care expenses. Keep in mind that quality should not be compromised to save a few dollars. At Flourish Surgical Arts, we also offer financing options such as Alphaeon and Care Credit to make the procedure more manageable.

Step 5: Consider Downtime and Recovery

Different cosmetic procedures come with varying levels of downtime and recovery. Consider your lifestyle and how much time you can realistically dedicate to healing. Some surgeries may require weeks of recovery, while non-invasive treatments might have minimal downtime. Understanding the post-operative demands of a procedure is essential for planning and ensuring a smooth recovery process.

Step 6: Set Realistic Expectations

Maintain realistic expectations about the outcomes of cosmetic surgery. While modern procedures can achieve remarkable results, perfection is not always possible. Discuss with your surgeon what can be realistically accomplished, and be prepared for potential imperfections or adjustments that may be needed post-surgery. Realistic expectations contribute to overall satisfaction with the results.

Step 7: Optimize your Health

Cosmetic Surgery is a positive life change, but needs to be completed when you are physically, mentally, and financially healthy. To maximize your physical health, visit with your primary care physician (PCP) to ensure your health status. Dr. Nesiba recommends being at a stable weight for at least 3 months prior to surgery, with a BMI of < 30 in most instances. Eat a healthy diet and establish a workout plan both pre and post-operatively to obtain the best results and health uneventfully.

Step 8: Listen to Your Intuition

Intuition plays a significant role in making decisions about your body. If something doesn’t feel right during the consultation or if you have doubts about the procedure, take the time to reassess. Cosmetic surgery is a personal journey, and feeling confident and comfortable with your decision is crucial for a positive experience.

Call Flourish Surgical Arts Today

Choosing the right cosmetic surgery involves a combination of self-reflection, thorough research, and open communication with a qualified surgeon. Find what you’re looking for at our Denver, CO, cosmetic surgery center! Call (720) 765-7214 to schedule your initial consultation today.