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Transform Your Post-Pregnancy Body with a Mommy Makeover

Becoming a mother is one of the most demanding and rewarding things you will do, but it does fundamentally change your body. Some women have a difficult time recapturing their former body due to genetics and quite simply, lack of time. New mothers who want to refine their curves and shed their baby weight should consider a mommy makeover. Denver patients can trust Flourish Surgical Arts with all of their body contouring needs because Dr. Nesiba has experience with all of the cosmetic procedures involved with a mommy makeover.

woman with flat, toned stomach

Am I Candidate with a Mommy Makeover?

Mommy makeovers combine multiple types of body contouring procedures, most commonly focusing on the abdomen, breasts, and buttocks. Mommy makeovers are great for mothers who are dissatisfied with the changes in their body post-pregnancy. However, they do carry some caveats:

  • You should be fully recovered from your pregnancy and childbirth.
  • If breast augmentation or breast lifts are part of your mommy makeover, we recommend you wait until seven months after finishing breastfeeding.
  • If you are considering more children, Dr. Nesiba suggests that you don’t undergo the procedures until you are through having children.
  • You should not lift anything heavier than five to ten pounds for the first few weeks after the surgery.
woman posing in a black bra

Procedure Details

Mommy makeovers target areas altered and changed by your pregnancy. Those areas include:

  • Breasts: Pregnancy and breastfeeding often result in loss of volume, asymmetrical breasts, and stretched nipples and areolas. We can improve the appearance of your breasts with breast augmentation and other procedures.
  • Abdomen: Pregnancy stretches the skin on your belly. We can remove excess and sagging skin from your abdomen and tighten damaged muscles.
  • Fat: Even if you exercise and diet, there may be pockets of fat that are resistant to positive behavior changes. We can refine and enhance your curves, improving the way your clothing and swimsuits fit.

The physical changes caused by pregnancy are natural and nothing to be ashamed of. But that doesn’t mean you can’t reverse those changes if you wish. Enter the next chapter of your life with an exquisite new look and astonish your friends and family.

We Perform All Our Procedures in a State-of-the-art Facility

Flourish Surgical Arts offers advanced cosmetic surgery in a state-of-the-art facility. We’ll make sure you’re comfortable and relaxed throughout your mommy makeover procedures. Contact us today via phone or email for more information.

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